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Family Birthdays and Anniversaries

11 - Mary Rafales
11 - Mikki Prohow
23 - Phil Silverman
24 - Kathy Rafales
2 - Shem Cohen
6 - Miles Stearn
6 - Rob Kaplow
6 - Bob Gottlieb
10 - Marty Levin
17 - Vicki Bonardi
20 - Seymour Faber
25 - Evan Parks
1 - Ruth Silverman
3 - Nita Stearn
4 - Craig Parks
7 - Toby Faber
12 - Lois Kaplow
13 - Lisa Stearn
15 - Fern Fine
16 - Teddie Gottlieb
16 - Bonnie Goldberg
16 - Sarah Fine
17 - Raymond Silverman
19 - Lisa Fine
21 - Lori Gottlieb
25 - Michelle Silverman
7 - Terri Stearn
9 - Allison Saltz
13 - Jay Gottlieb
15 - Lee Golani
20 - Kim and Doug Krest
27 - Adam and Jennifer Fishkind
29 - Ron Saltz
2 - Shawn Stearn
3 - Kimberly Veklerov
13 - Jake Fishkind
18 - Joel Simmer
22 - Ryan Stearn
22 - Michael Rafales
22 - Rob and Lois Kaplow
23 - Collin Parks
3 - Lisa and Mike Fine
5 - Fran Prohow
13 - Shem and Tina Cohen
16 - Lee Simmer
23 - Bob and Teddie Gottlieb
25 - Joe Silverman
25 - Geraldine Kafka
3 - Michael Silverman
4 - Seymour and Toby Faber
5 - Fred Fisher
5 - Ann and Craig Parks
6 - Michelle and Ron Saltz
7 - Doug Krest
8 - Jay and Shirley Gottlieb
8 - Raffi Cohen
16 - Lee Simmer
25 - Bob Bonardi
27 - Jennifer Fishkind
29 - Ariel Zalesin
2 - Anita Zalesin
2 - Lee and Joel Simmer
2 - Barbara Silverman
5 - Shirley Gottlieb
10 - Lorne Zalesin
15 - Adam Fishkind
16 - Todd and Terri Stearn
1 - Tyler Krest
2 - Marty and Lynn Levin
3 - Bob and Vicki Bonardi
11 - Nicky Krest
12 - Alice Silverman
12 - Ray and Alice Silverman
22 - Zachary Fine
25 - Jared Silverman
25 - Amy Gottlieb
27 - Joy Simmer
28 - Jenna Levin
2 - Evelyn Cohen
8 - Heidi Levin
11 - Jeff Kaplow
15 - Kim Krest
17 - Jessica Veklerov
19 - Ann Parks
22 - Emily Fishkind
26 - Ronnie Stearn
6 - Sari Zalesin
8 - Nita and Ron Stearn
11 - Todd Stearn
11 - Ninon Veklerov
16 - Lee and Mary Rafales Anniversary
18 - Mike Fine
22 - David Simmer
3 - Julie Kaplow
4 - Lynn Levin
11 - Mary Singleton
14 - Nora Fisher
19 - Phil and Barbara Silverman

If you have any suggestions on how to improve this web site, please let us know. This site was last updated 5/26/2006.